Saturday, May 8, 2010

Forward into our past


Around the time of the winter solstice last year, I got a clear vision of how I want to live. My vision centers on creating and living in a "village". I use this word because for us it refers to a traditional, indigenous, tribal and natural way of life. Since December, I have been nurturing and developing this vision together.

I feel very strongly that "civilization" has gone completely crazy and is threatening to destroy Life on our precious planet. I also believe that human beings are essentially tribal, natural and spiritual beings who are meant to live closely with each other, Nature and Spirit. For the sake of our own health as a species and that of the planet as a whole living organism, I believe that humanity needs to move back toward the simple, natural, communal and spiritual way of life that indigenous peoples have been living for a long, long time.

I just arrived in Miami a week ago from a year and half of exploration and learning that led me to this vision, as well as to many other wonderful people and places. Here is something I created a few days ago that I hope will help us develop a local base of support for our vision:

The creation of this village is an open project. It belongs to the Earth and all of humanity, and will need the love, support, ideas and energy of many, many beings. I welcome the participation of anyone who shares this vision with us and feels moved by it. You are invited to make this vision and this project your own in any way that makes sense for you. You don't have to plan to live in this village in order for it to be yours.

This blog is an open invitation to stay in touch with this vision and our progress toward realizing it. I hope the blog will become an online gathering place for anyone who wants to share in this adventure with us. We will post developments and inspirations of all kinds here.

I hope that over time, others of you will send us things we can post here--whether yours or someone else's—things that feed the vision we are creating. I welcome any kind of submission--an article, a poem, a passage, a photo, a song--anything that feeds this vision.

Again, welcome! I am glad to have your energy with me in this adventure of creation. You can subscribe to the blog via email in the upper right hand corner. And please feel free to share this blog with anyone who you think will be interested.

With love, honor and respect for all beings,

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